CAN $21.95 paperback /ISBN 978-1-9991829-4-6
Dr Michael Hefferon's second foray into the world of medical myths is a delight to read whether one is connected with the world of medicine or not. It is filled with an eclectic mix of medical anecdotes that not only entertain but truly inform the reader.
Michael has woven a lifetime of medical encounters together to illustrate the origins of many myths. His topics this time out include JFK's Addisons Disease, Freud's cocaine habit, and the incidence of psychiatric episodes on the night of a full moon. Chapters about the dwindling numbers of crib deaths and the exposing of Munchausen's Syndrome open a fascinating window into medical mysteries.
For your copy of Medical Myths: A Sceptic's Journey, contact Novel Idea Bookstore, 156 Princess St., Kingston, ON, K7L 1B1, 613-546-9799,
Also available on Amazon (also in Kindle).
For further information, visit Michael's website,
and Facebook platform: Medical Myths: Author page for Dr Michael Hefferon
and Facebook platform: Medical Myths: Author page for Dr Michael Hefferon

CAN $18.95 paperback /ISBN 978-0-9940172-8-4
Kindle $8.95
Kindle $8.95
With a love of stories and a passion for science, Michael Hefferon explains the origins and scientific basis behind 33 myths in medicine. He does not reject the myths as false, respecting each for its plausibility rooted in historical events. He writes a lively account that appeals to all.
– Jaclyn Duffin, MD, PhD, FRCP(C), Professor, Hannah Chair of the History of
Medicine, Queen’s University
This entertaining yet educational read explores the history of some widely held “truths” in medicine. Drawing from both history and experience, Michael Hefferon brings us to question whether myth is all that far away from the truth. Our specialty of pediatrics is no stranger to such stories!– Robert Connelly, MD, MBA, FRCP(C), Head, Dept of Pediatrics, Queen’s University
I love this book! Dr. Hefferon takes aim at many of our rock-solid beliefs and old wives tales about medicine and treatment. This Irishman knows his way around a stethoscope and a story – I could not put it down.– Lynn Rees Lambert, former editor at Kingston This Week and author of
Are You the One Who Writes That Column?
To order Of Plagues and Vampires, contact Novel Idea Bookstore, 156 Princess St., Kingston, ON,
K7L 1B1, 613-546-9799,
Or order on Amazon.